Ivanka Trump Revisits Doctor’s Claim Regarding Inclusion of Pfizer’s COVID Warp Speed


After a doctor claimed Pfizer was not involved in Operation Warp Speed, the Trump administration’s vaccination program, Ivanka Trump hit back on Twitter to claim otherwise.

“Wrong,” Ivanka wrote. Pfizer did not take Fed $ for the research, but made a deal with Trump Admin in JULY on logistics and to receive $ 1.95 billion for +100 million doses of its vaccines, once [American] people.”

She shared a link to a press release from the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on July 22, when the government agency announced an agreement with Pfizer “for large-scale production and delivery to the United States. nationwide 100 million doses of a COVID-19 vaccine in the United States following successful manufacture and approval of the vaccine. “

In response to the tweet from Linda Girgis, the doctor behind the allegation regarding Pfizer’s involvement in Operation Warp Speed, Ivanka wrote: “Be happy. It’s a great day for health!”

Early Monday morning, Pfizer announced that its coronavirus vaccine was 90% effective, based on early and incomplete test results.

Ivanka tweeted the news and thanked her father, President Donald Trump, for “tireless work” in the coronavirus vaccination effort.

Others were quick to call the Trump administration for taking credit for the vaccine, noting that Pfizer’s head of vaccine research and development, Dr Kathrin Jansen, previously said the trial no ‘had “ never taken money from the US government, or from anyone. . “

However, although Pfizer has not taken any research funding from the federal government, a spokesperson for Pfizer has clarified its relationship to Operation Wrap Speed.

“Pfizer is one of several vaccine manufacturers participating in Operation Warp Speed ​​as a supplier of a potential vaccine against COVID-19.” Although Pfizer entered into an advance purchase agreement with the US government, the company did not accept BARDA funding for the research and development process. The company said in a statement. BARDA refers to the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, a division of HHS.

“All R&D investments have been made by Pfizer at risk. Dr Jansen emphasized this last point,” the spokesperson explained.

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said in September that the company had refused R&D funding to “free” scientists from bureaucratic limits.

“At the end of the day, it’s just money. It won’t break the business, although it’s going to be painful because we’re investing at least a billion and a half, at least, in COVID right now.” Bourla told CBS News. . “But the reason I did it was because I wanted to free our scientists from any bureaucracy.

Ivanka trump
Ivanka Trump at a campaign event for her father on October 27 in Miami.
Joe Raedle / Getty

Pfizer is now on track to seek emergency use authorization for its vaccine from the United States Food and Drug Administration. However, health officials, including infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci, have stressed that a vaccine will not be widely available until the end of the year.

News of an effective vaccine comes as experts predict the United States faces its worst virus outbreak. The country surpassed more than 10 million cases on Sunday.

Amid the ongoing health crisis and medical developments, President-elect Joe Biden has already assembled a 13-member coronavirus task force.

Newsweek contacted Girgis, a New Jersey family doctor, for comment, but did not receive a response until the publication.


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