Videos show a series of flaming meteors in the northeastern sky


Residents of the northeast spotted a fireball shooting into the sky on Sunday evening, some capturing the celestial display on video.

The fireball was primarily seen over the New York and Connecticut area around 7:22 p.m. ET, but reports are pouring in from across the region, according to the American Meteor Society. The nonprofit said it has received more than 280 reports from people, including those in Massachusetts, Delaware, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia and of Quebec.

Sunday’s fireball is still under investigation by AMS, but the organization said on its website it was traveling from east to west and ended its visible flight somewhere around Poughkeepsie , New York.

Fireballs are a type of meteor that reaches a magnitude brighter than the planet Venus, according to AMS. Although thousands of meteors regularly hit Earth’s atmosphere, they are often obscured by sunlight or occur in uninhabited areas.


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