Ivermectin horse dewormer drug flying off the shelves of bay area feed and food stores


Joe Rogan’s unqualified endorsement is likely only to increase demand for the horse ascarid drug that has become the latest perceived wonder drug by Covidiots.

When frequently stoned podcast baron Joe Rogan announced he had COVID-19 on Wednesday, he told his zillions of subscribers, “It turns out I had COVID. So we immediately threw the kitchen sink on it, all kinds of medicine. Monoclonal antibodies, Ivermectin, Z-Pak, prednisone, everything. We can’t unpack all the multiple medically unfounded recommendations from this extremely wealthy armchair pharmacist, but we will focus on the anti-vaccine’s sudden fascination with ivermectin, a deworming treatment for horses and cattle that the American Medical Association begs for. people to stop taking.

The Covidiots won’t stop taking it, and they certainly pay money for this medicine for cows and horses instead of getting the free vaccine. This is also happening in the Bay Area, as The Chronicle reports that horse food stores are seeing an increase in demand for ivermectin from people who naturally don’t own horses or cattle.

“I’m a little frustrated, honestly, that we have to watch people on this,” Trevor Frampton, the Western Farm Center in Santa Rosa, told The Chronicle. “We’re here to help you take care of your pets, not to make sure you don’t hurt yourself. Why am I being asked to make this decision? We operate a retail store.

To be clear, there is an FDA approved form of ivermectin for human use. This is not the horse version. As National Geographic explains, ivermectin is an antiparasitic drug that is quite effective in humans to treat worms, lice, and river blindness. It is also accompanied by unpleasant side effects like nausea, diarrhea and spikes in blood pressure. Yes, doctors using ivermectin won a Nobel Prize in 2015 – for using it to treat roundworm parasites, which is very different from COVID-19.

There have been legitimate scientific studies showing the potential efficacy of ivermectin against SARS-CoV-2 cells, but only in test tubes and petri dishes, this has not been shown in the man. And remember, human dosages will be very different from those for cows and horses.

The Chron adds that the Peninsula Feed Store in Redwood City has also used “You are not a horse” signs. A saleswoman told The Chronicle that she recommended ivermectin to a customer for deworming her chickens. To which the client replied, “Oh, you mean the COVID tricks?” I heard this stuff really works. I gave it to my kids.

Related: SF Symphony Chorus director refuses vaccine and chooses to quit instead [SFist]

Image: Winnie W. via Yelp


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