Jaime Harrison said he was chosen for the next DNC ​​chairman


President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. plans to name Jaime Harrison as his choice to lead the Democratic National Committee, as part of an effort to strengthen the committee ahead of what is already expected to be midterm elections for the gone, according to two of those familiar with the selection.

Former Chairman of the South Carolina Democratic Party, Mr. Harrison became a national political star last year when he broke fundraising records in his race against re-elected Senator Lindsey Graham. While Mr Harrison lost in November, garnering 44% of the vote to Mr Graham’s 55%, he developed a broad bench of support across the party.

Mr Harrison’s selection, on the heels of Mr Biden’s victories in Arizona and Georgia in November, reflects the president-elect’s long-standing determination for Democrats to compete in once-red states, a recognition the party does not will never support a lasting Congress. majority without making inroads through the Sun Belt.

Mr Biden’s top advisers also plan to appoint a small group of elected Democrat vice-presidents to reward their support for the campaign and offer them the opportunity to be high-profile substitutes. Governor Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, Senator Tammy Duckworth of Illinois, Representative Filemon Vela of Texas and Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms of Atlanta will play the roles.

Following the tradition of committee members relying on the choice of chair, Mr. Harrison should not face a candidate for the post.

Mr. Harrison is well known to staff and members of the DNC, due to his work as the head of the South Carolina State Party and his unsuccessful bid to become the committee chair in 2017 (Tom Perez, the outgoing president of the DNC, won this Mr. Harrison was defended by Rep. James E. Clyburn of South Carolina, an influential ally of Biden who helped the president-elect win the main race in the home state Mr. Clyburn Mr. Perez has chosen not to run for a second term.

New presidents traditionally take control of party committees, installing their own chairman and staff. Former President Barack Obama has chosen to try to establish his own political operation outside of the committee, a move that many DNC members say has damaged state parties and led to years of dysfunction at the national level.

Far more institutionalist of the party, Mr. Biden has promised to rebuild state parties and deepen investments in the committee.

Mr. Harrison was favored by the state party’s leadership, who viewed him as an ally in their efforts to keep the committee focused on rebuilding the party’s local infrastructure. After Mr Biden’s election, dozens of state party presidents and vice-presidents sent a letter to his transition team that did not name Mr. Harrison but listed a number of qualities commensurate with his experience and his skills.

“We are convinced that he not only believes in the principle of organizing the states parties, but that he will be a very strong voice with the Biden administration,” said Jane Kleeb, president of the Nebraska Democratic Party.

The focus on the party’s national committee comes as Democrats attempt to navigate a deeply uncertain electoral landscape. Even before the attack on the U.S. Capitol clouded U.S. policy, Democrats anticipated tough midterm races in the House and Senate in 2022 and the lingering possibility that Mr. Biden – who will become the oldest president in the world. the country’s history Wednesday – decides not to show up. a second term.

But even before midterm, the party committee will need to bridge the divisions between Democrats who want Mr Biden and his message to focus on unifying the country and a liberal wing keen to continue prosecutions and other measures. to hold President Trump and his allies accountable. .

The role of Mr. Harrison’s home state early in the primary process could complicate discussions on changing the appointment process. South Carolina is the fourth state to hold a primary contest, a role that brings an influx of nominees, expense, media coverage – and a huge say in the contest for the nomination.

The party faces great concerns about the fairness of complicated caucus processes, as used in Iowa and Nevada, as well as questions about how two relatively older and whiter states – Iowa and New Hampshire – cast the first two sets of votes. Already, some Nevada party leaders are pushing to end all caucuses and dethrone Iowa for the first round of voting.


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