James Mattis says he has a "duty of silence" but his views on Trump are clear


Although the retired four-star Marine general did not name President Donald Trump, he implicitly criticized his former commander-in-chief, with whom he disagreed over issues of engagement and international alliances, in a series of public statements and recent interviews. .

He also discusses Trump's policy issues in his upcoming book "Call Sign Chaos: Learning to Lead".

Mattis resigned as Trump's first secretary of defense at the end of December after the president announced his intention to withdraw US troops from Syria. Mattis cited irreconcilable political differences in a letter to Trump that surprised many people in Washington.

But his latest comments, coupled with the resignation letter he submitted last year, reveal just how difficult the situation had become for Mattis, who was widely regarded as a pillar of stability within An otherwise chaotic administration.

These details also provide insights into what Trump's latest national security officials could do in private at a time when the United States is facing a host of national security issues.

"I had no choice but to leave".

In an interview with The Atlantic published Thursday, Mattis defended his decision to resign: "I had no choice but to leave," he said. "That's why the letter (my resignation) is in the book – I want people to understand why I could not stay."

"Four decades of experience have enlightened me and I just could not connect the dots anymore," he added.

Mattis refused to speak directly to Trump's character – with whom he had an openly stormy relationship, marked by presidential insults on Twitter, and said it was the duty of the remaining officials of the administration to keep his silence on some issues.

James Mattis Fast Facts

"If you leave an administration, you need a little silence," he said. "When you leave an administration after clear differences in policy, you must give those who are still there as many opportunities as possible to defend the country."

Mattis explained his thinking behind the degree of discretion that he left to Trump.

"I may not be embarrassed by a commander-in-chief, but our system places the commander-in-chief there, and to further weaken it when we face real threats – I mean, we could to be at war on the Korean peninsula, whenever they start throwing something, "he said.

Mattis noted that his code of silence had an expiration date.

"There is a time when I owe my silence," he said. "It is not eternal, it will not be forever."

Fundamental differences

But like Trump's former secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, who was unceremoniously sacked by tweet, Mattis makes it very clear that in the short term he disagrees with many of Trump's fundamental views of the world and the world. role of the United States in this process.

Since taking office, Trump, who is often skeptical of NATO, has been critical of some members of the alliance, including breaking up with G7 members this weekend and asking the Russia to join the group.

While they were serving Trump 's administration, Mattis and Tillerson publicly insisted that they were on the same footing as the president, despite reports from CNN and US News Agency. others suggest the opposite.

But since they left their post, the two men have been frankly talking about their frustrations, although they have tried hard to avoid directly criticizing the president himself.

The purge of his national security team by Trump is almost over
Speaking to lawmakers and congressional staff earlier this year, Tillerson said he was guided by "American values" such as democracy and freedom, but that he could not or could not offer an assessment of the possibility of saying the same thing for Trump, according to a congress. help and a transcript of the meeting obtained by CNN.

Mattis also made thinly veiled criticisms of Trump's perception of world affairs.

In an essay adapted from the book published Wednesday in the Wall Street Journal, Mattis rejected Trump's preference for American isolationism, claiming that the United States is "exposed to increasing risk around the world" when it comes to the world. they do not kiss their allies.

Although Mattis does not mention Trump's name, it is clear that he is referring to the Commander-in-Chief, making this essay another public criticism of the President for what he considers to be the importance to maintain the alliances and the commitment of the United States all over the world.

When on Thursday, Trump insisted on Trump's tweet expressing his calm about North Korea firing "a few small arms", which goes against its national security advisor, John Bolton, and Prime Minister Japanese Minister Shinzo Abe, then vice president of national security. Joe Biden, Mattis spoke about his retirement experience with the Marine Corps.

"Any general of the navy or any other senior official of the United States people would find that, to use a mild, counter-productive euphemism and under the dignity of the presidency," he said.

Caroline Kelly of CNN contributed to this report.


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