Jessica Springsteen Wins Silver Medal With U.S. Equestrian Show Jumping Team


TOKYO – Despite all the accolades he has won over the years, an Olympic medal has always eluded Bruce Springsteen. Maybe it’s because rock is still not an Olympic event.

But another Springsteen has now accomplished the feat, after Bruce’s daughter Jessica Springsteen and the rest of the US show jumping team won the silver medal on Saturday night.

Laura Kraut went first for the United States and had a clear round. Springsteen was next and had four faults after his horse, Don Juan van de Donkhoeve, knocked down a ramp. Presenter McLain Ward also committed four fouls.

The team’s total of eight fouls was good for a tie for first with Sweden, who also committed eight fouls. This meant that there would be a dam for gold.

Each team sent its three riders on a short course. All six jumped it clear, but Sweden’s total time was 1.3 seconds faster.

“I was disappointed to have all four fouls,” Springsteen said before the play-off. “But I thought my horse had jumped the rest of the course in an absolutely beautiful way.”


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