Mask Mandates: A List of Stores Requiring Face Masks Indoors


The resurgence of COVID-19 cases nationwide due to the Delta variant has led the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to update the masking guidelines.

Many big box retailers are following CDC guidelines and reimplementing mask mandates for employees and, in some cases, customers, while taking into account the risk of transmission based on location.

In New Jersey, 20 of 21 counties are considered high risk or significant risk areas.

Below is a summary of the policies of the major retailers regarding mask mandates.

These stores require that all employees and customers in high or substantial risk areas wear masks indoors:

  • Apple Store
  • Mcdonalds

These stores require employees to wear masks, regardless of their location:

  • Acme
  • Home deposit
  • Lowe’s
  • Starbucks
  • Wawa
  • Wegman’s

These stores require employees in high or high risk areas to wear masks:

  • Kohl’s
  • Marshals
  • TJ Maxx
  • Target
  • Walmart


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Christopher Burch can be reached at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter: @ ChrisBurch856. Find on Facebook. Do you have any advice? Tell us.


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