Jillian Michaels criticizes the Keto diet for its harmful side effects


  • Trainer Jillian Michaels reiterated that she was not supporting the keto diet in a recent interview on the #Adulting podcast.
  • The ketogenic diet is a diet high in fat and low in carbohydrates whose popularity for weight loss has increased.
  • Michaels says the diet is "bad for your overall health and well-being" and thinks that people can lose weight without the risk of side effects.

    Jillian Michaels has clearly expressed her feelings about the keto diet – and she will not go back anytime soon. Back in May, she urged people to stay away from the high-fat, low-carb diet, calling it a "fad diet."

    Despite the negative reactions of fans and celebrities who have been successful on the keto, Michaels remains on his positions. "People can criticize me anything they want, but the end result is that it's science, and science is there. And it's bad for your overall health and well-being, "she said in a recent interview in the #Adulting podcast, which is hosted by comedian Zack Peter and the expert in well-being Nikki Sharp.

    Although the ketogenic diet has maintained tremendous popularity, it is not easy to follow: your daily calories usually consist of 80% fat, 15% protein and 5% carbohydrates. The essential: your body usually burns carbohydrates to make it fuel, but when you essentially cut them off from your diet, it switches to ketosis state to burn fat into energy.

    And while can to lose weight, Michaels says it's not worth it. "Ketosis is a medical emergency," she said during her interview. "So when the body becomes what's called" ketotic, "your cells can not function anymore. Your cells function optimally at a very specific pH. Any endocrinologist will explain this to you. It's science. "

    Michaels does not really say that keto will not lead to weight loss. She simply believes that "you can do all the good things without the bad things."

    Some of these "bad things" include some unpleasant (and unhealthy) side effects of the keto diet, such as "keto flu" (which causes headaches, fatigue and nausea), cholesterol problems and even possible kidney problems. "It attacks the liver, the thyroid. This shortens your telomeres, it's bad for your macromolecules. I mean, it hurts you, but it is – it can be dropped! ", Did she say.

    In an interview with PreventionMichaels also criticized the keto diet for its lack of calorie and restriction of nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables.

    "This is where we can do both things – weight loss, fat loss, reversal of disease – without falling into ketosis," said the former The Biggest Loser coach said. "How do I know? Well, I've been doing it for thousands of people for three decades."

    "What you must also understand, is that the keto is a big business, is not it? So you have billion dollar companies that are putting money into this scheme, "she added.

    A scheme that Michaels approves? The heart-healthy Mediterranean diet, recently named one of the best diets in 2019.

    Conclusion: Whatever diet you decide to try, be sure to talk to your doctor before making radical changes, especially if you do not know what the impact on your health will be – it's a point on which we can all agree.

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