Jimmy Fallon busts and cleans Steve Kornacki’s office


Following Steve Kornacki’s forceful analysis of election night, Jimmy Fallon took to MSNBC to drop off a thank you gift (a $ 5 Subway gift card and a bottle of Plane Whiskey, to be exact), only to learn that Kornacki’s office, also in 30 Rock, is the physical manifestation of all the chaos that Steve Kornacki actively fights against every day as a reporter. While Marie Kondo would have cried with joy at the amount of mess Steve has collected, our boy deserves better, which is why Fallon stopped by Monday to clean up Steve Kornacki’s dirty office himself.

“We’re in khaki country now,” he says as he walks around the empty MSNBC offices. “I feel like I’m in a horror video game.” Of course, Steve Kornacki’s dirt is less unwashed coffee mugs and pistachio shells and more pre-tied neckties and a US National Election Studies 1952-1978 data sources book. And if you thought he would be happy with Fallon’s gesture, you misunderstood the source of Steve Kornacki’s enthusiasm. “This is long overdue. It’ll probably last about a day or two, but it looks awesome right now, ”Kornacki says in reaction when he gets the big reveal. “I feel like I had more things before.”


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