Joe Biden praises Fox News’ (live) vaccination efforts


One day later Tucker carlson called for Americans to mount “mass resistance” efforts against the Biden administration’s workforce vaccine directive and speculated that the government’s next move would force the Tories to take “mind-altering” injections for expressing “bad” opinions, Fox Corp. HR Chief Kevin Lord announced that 90% of Fox’s full-time employees are fully immunized. Carlson’s on-air comments juxtaposed with Lord’s note, which was got by CNN, highlights the gulf between reckless anti-vax rhetoric spewed out by Fox’s best hosts and the reality of the pro-vaccine policies responsible for the network within.

Fox’s strict COVID-19 protocols have won the company praise from an unexpected place. “Today’s Fox News follows a pattern seen across the country: Vaccination and testing requirements are working,” a White House spokesperson told CNN on Tuesday evening. “We are pleased that they have stepped up to protect their workforce and strengthen the economy, and we encourage them [to] communicate to their audiences that these types of practices will protect their employees, their communities and the economy. The White House has already said it was not interested in a “fight” with Fox News and announced he was staying in touch with the network regarding his COVID-19 coverage, but Joe biden To publicly noted that Fox “is not a huge fan of me” and said in July that some of his hosts had “an altar call” regarding vaccines. “Some of these [hosts], all of a sudden they’re there saying, ‘Let’s get vaccinated, get vaccinated,’ “he said. (Although Biden didn’t name any specific host at the time. , his comments followed Sean hannity saying he believed in “the science of vaccination. “)

Last week, in an attempt to offset the increase in cases and deaths caused by the Delta Variant wave, Biden ordered the Department of Labor to draft a temporary contingency plan directive require private companies with 100 or more employees to ensure their employees are fully immunized or take weekly COVID tests. These common sense public health efforts, in the midst of a global pandemic, have led to a right-wing collapse, with Republican politicians and conservative pundits hyperventilating on “tyranny” and “totalitarianism.” Fox News Contributor Mollie Hemingway noted that Biden’s vaccination campaign “will require everyone to stand up, stand up and fight,” while Fox & Friends Weekend co-host Rachel Campos-Duffy insisted that “this is the start of the communist style social credit system … where if you are a dissenter, if you do not agree with the ruling party, you will be punished.” On her Friday night show, Hannity Recount its viewers that they “better get vaccinated or Dr. Joe Biden is going to unleash the full force of the federal government on you, your loved ones and your employer.” And you will be completely canceled in the company. You will be excluded from everything. On the cover of Fox last week, one of his chyrons exclaimed that “BIDEN IS AN AUTHORITY”, while another warned that “BIDEN DECLARES WAR ON MILLIONS OF AMERICANS” by issuing a mandate to vaccinate employees.

Notably, the vaccine memo from Fox Corp. suggests the network already has a stricter employee vaccination policy than that demanded by the Biden administration and uses some form of “vaccine passports,” an anti-vaccine buzzword that Fox hosts have continually denounced . While the new COVID mandate for Biden’s workforce only requires weekly COVID testing, Lord said there will be “daily COVID testing for the small group of employees who are not vaccinated or did not provide their vaccination status ”. When Biden meet with business leaders at the White House on Wednesday, he even touted the network’s efforts. “The vaccine requirements are working, and more and more companies are putting them in place, even at Fox News they were needed.” he noted. “I’m not facetious when I say that, but it’s interesting that they stepped forward and did it too.”

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