Joe Biden’s latest foreign policy joke


Barely a month into his presidency, Joe Biden’s foreign policy already looks like a joke.

On Sunday, 48 hours after removing Yemen’s Houthi rebels from the State Department’s blacklist of terrorists and ordering an end to US support for the Saudi-led military effort against the Houthis, the Biden administration ‘returned and called on the Iranian-backed group to stop committing acts. terrorism on civilians and cease military operations.

The State Department sees it as a blueprint for ending the war. This led the Saudis to endorse the idea of ​​a negotiated settlement, then called on the Houthis to stop inflicting suffering – which would indeed be a big step forward.

But there’s no hint of a penalty if they don’t (maybe put them back on the blacklist?) – and they surely now think they’re closer than ever to winning. After all, Biden is not coming back to support the Saudis.

It is beyond naivety.


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