John Eyers, a former bodybuilder, died of COVID-19 after rejecting the vaccine


John Eyers, 42, a fit and healthy man tested positive for coronavirus a month ago and last week died in hospital after succumbing to the virus.

The former bodybuilder, who had climbed the Welsh mountains before testing positive, had refused the COVID-19 vaccine because he believed he would only suffer from “mild illness” if he caught the respiratory virus.

His twin sister Jenny McCann described him as “the fittest, healthiest person I know”

“The only pre-existing health problem he had was the belief in his own immortality,” she shared in a Tweet. “He thought that if he got Covid-19, he would be fine. He thought he would have a mild illness. He didn’t want to put a vaccine in his body.”

McCann went on to share that his brother had confessed to the doctor how “he wished he had been vaccinated.”

“He was pumped full of all the drugs at the hospital,” she said. “They threw everything at him. But ultimately the Covid-19 bedmate, infection and organ failure, took his life. His death is a tragedy. It shouldn’t have happened. “

According to new data from the Office of National Statistics (ONS), around four percent of the UK’s adult population are reluctant to get vaccinated.

Likewise, the scientific institutions of the British Academy and the Royal Society have found that 36% of people in Britain are either uncertain or very unlikely to agree to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

“Vaccines and immunization are two very different things. To achieve the estimated 80% uptake of a vaccine required for community protection, we need a serious, well-funded, community-based public engagement strategy, ”said Melinda Mills, professor at Oxford University, which ran the British Academy and the Royal Society Report. “We need to learn the lessons of history and move away from providing one-sided information and instead generate an open dialogue that deals with misinformation and does not dismiss people’s genuine concerns and hesitations about vaccines. “

Eders’ death resonated with internet users, and many responded to his sister’s Tweet:

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