John Lynch: 49ers to support Richard Sherman and his wife


Carolina Panthers vs. San Francisco 49ers

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Although Richard Sherman no longer plays for the 49ers, general manager John Lynch has contacted Sherman and his wife after the events of the past 48 hours, which have seen Sherman arrested for attempting to break into the home of his wife’s parents. , and Ashley Sherman calling 911 to report that Richard Sherman was suicidal.

Lynch told reporters today he is concerned about both Richard and Ashley and has contacted the family to let them know the 49ers can provide them with resources.

“They are good people,” Lynch said of Richard and Ashley. “I’m just praying that they find their way through this and we will support them in any way we can.”

Lynch and the 49ers signed a three-year contract with Sherman in 2018. He is currently a free agent.

Sherman remains in jail and will appear before a judge this afternoon.


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