John Oliver burns his AT&T bosses on OAN Reveal, saying “You make the world worse”


John Oliver used his Emmy-winning HBO series on Sunday night Last week tonight to shoot his corporate overlord, AT&T.

According to an in-depth Reuters investigation last week, the One America News Network disinformation station – described by Oliver as “a far-right channel that peddles COVID disinformation and conspiracy theories” – was started by AT&T, which owns still WarnerMedia, the parent company of HBO.

“Yeah!” exclaimed Olivier. “Turns out AT&T did some shit. And it’s worth noting: AT&T is still technically our business daddy, making OAN our business half-brother, and not in a hot way.

As reported by Reuters, “OAN Founder and CEO Robert Herring Sr. said the inspiration to launch OAN in 2013 came from the leaders of AT&T. “They told us they wanted a conservative network,” Herring said in a 2019 deposition seen by Reuters. “They only had one, it was Fox News, and they had seven more from each other [left-wing] side. When they said that, I jumped on it and built one.

“With this help, OAN has grown into the toxic network it is today – a network that is happy to provide a platform for defeating the election fraud theories of America’s most breathless pillow fetishist. [Mike Lindell] and also one who just a few months ago featured one of his commentators saying this, “Oliver explained, throwing footage of an OAN presenter looking intently at the camera and saying,” Despite their best efforts , radical Democrats have all left fingerprints. on the country providing a trail of evidence that the 2020 elections were not only tampered with, but were also overthrown … every American involved in these efforts, from those who operated the voting machines to the most senior government officials, is guilty of treason under US Code § 2381, which carries the death penalty.

“The most important point here is: OAN would literally be nothing without AT&T,” Oliver said. “An OAN accountant allegedly declared under oath that AT&T provided 90% of Herring Networks revenue. And, regarding the appalling content of OAN, AT&T told us, “DIRECTV respects the editorial of the channels it broadcasts… Just as AT&T is committed to providing editorial independence for every show on WarnerMedia, including this one… ”

“And it’s such a relief, especially the last part, because if you don’t mind, I’d like to use this generous editorial independence to offer constructive feedback to AT&T,” Oliver added.

The comedian then launched a few suggested slogans for AT&T, including: “All the business acumen of Quibi without the courtesy of committing suicide in a company.”

With that, he concluded, “Look, AT&T, I know our relationship is a bit tricky, especially since you’re trying to run this baby business in your deal with Discovery, but although we’re still technically related, just let me say this: You are a terrible business. You do bad things and you make the world worse. Please don’t bother to keep in touch after the merge is complete, although that really shouldn’t be a problem for you. You’re AT&T, it’s not like your messages are getting through anyway.


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