Jordyn Woods is definitely out of the Kardashian family business


Jordyn Woods

Kardashians Corleone Her

You are out of the family business

26/02/2019 01H00 PST


With regard to future contracts with the Kardashians, Jordyn Woods will have to take care of her own business … and we mean literally, because she is cut off.

Sources close to the situation say to TMZ … Jordyn has actually been excommunicated from the point of view of business when it is about associating with the family to get the dough. A long story … they do not plan to work with her ever again.

This is a shame for Jordyn, considering that she previously had a healthy working relationship with the Kardashians. She has a common makeup line with Kylie and even had his own page on Khloe"Good American fashion site … where she modeled jeans and was part of the #goodsquad.

His entire Good American page has been removed from the Khloe site and our sources claim that Jordyn has ruined any potential opportunity for future businesses. We are told his betrayal by laugh with Tristan is irrecoverable.

Jordyn is also absent with Kylie. Our sources say her security clearance has been revoked in Kylie's closed neighborhood, so she can no longer come and go as she pleases. As we told you … Jordyn has moved and is back to live with his mother.

Here's what's interesting though … we're told that Kylie seems to be leaving the door a bit open for a possible reconciliation with Jordyn … and we are told that the sisters say that they would not be surprised if Kylie forgave her outright, but she would never get back into business with her.

Even if they become friends again, according to our sources, Jordyn will never return to the family.


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