Josh Hawley condemns the Democrats for demanding the removal of Kavanaugh


Missouri Republican Senator Josh Hawley condemned the Democrats for their repulsive appeals against Judge Brett Kavanaugh in the middle of a new allegation of sexual misconduct, and accused the party of seeking to destroy any institution on which he did not exercise power.

"You know, they want to overthrow Judge Kavanaugh, they want to pack the Supreme Court – I mean, talk about the destruction of any institution that they can not control," said the Senate Judiciary Committee member in an exclusive interview at Hill.TV. . "It's really amazing – it's a growing Democratic Party at war with the US Constitution."

After the New York Times has issued a corrected report since alleging that Kavanaugh had been pressuring his genitals against a woman from a drunken Yale party in the 1980s. Several 2020 Democrat candidates have called for the opening of the Yale Party. an imputation investigation against him. The same groups of liberal activists who were caught slipping money for disruptive protesters at its hearings confirmation hearings last fall also demanded his dismissal from the High Court .

"I mean, they are ready to destroy an entire branch of government, the independent judiciary, they now want to destroy it, why, because it will not govern as they wish," Hawley said. "I mean, is there anything more dangerous for a constitutional government than this way of thinking?"

"My message to my fellow Democrats would be this:" Look, it's an independent judiciary. Sooner or later you will have the opportunity to appoint judges to the judiciary, and you should appoint qualified judges to do so, but do not destroy people and institutions to try to get what you want. I mean, it's just not what we are as Americans. "

President Trump defended Kavanaugh against the new accusations, tweeting on Sunday that the "radical left-wing democrats" are in collusion with the "LameStream media" to destroy his Supreme Court candidate.


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