Judge asks Roger Stone to explain "imminent" publication of book


Republican Operator and Trump Associate Roger StoneRoger Jason StoneHouse interviews Cohen for eight hours. Michael Cohen has to show up again in front of House Intel next week. Dershowitz: Did Michael Cohen help or hurt Donald Trump? Yes and yes MORE Friday, after a federal judge asked for explanations on why he had not revealed the "imminent" publication of a book likely to violate a gag order.

US District Amy Berman Jackson has ordered gagging last week after Stone posted a cross-shaped photograph on Jackson's head on his Instagram page.

The gag prohibits Stone from discussing his case in public, including criticizing Jackson or a special advocate. Robert MuellerRobert Swan MuellerSasse: US should applaud Mueller's choice to lead the investigation on Russia, what the book would have done.


"IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the respondent file an additional submission no later than March 4, 2019, identifying the specific date of the" impending release ".[e]of the book … and to explain why this case – which was known to the accused – was not brought to the attention of the Court, "Jackson wrote in Friday's order.

Jackson noted that Stone's lawyers could have informed him of the book several times until February. She also stated that she had "serious doubts as to whether [Stone] learned a lesson at all ", and said that she would consider sending Stone to jail for future transgressions.

Stone pleaded not guilty to charges of lying to Congress and obstructing justice. He first drew Mueller's attention to his alleged coordination with Wikileaks regarding the filing of a bunch of democratic documents in 2016 meant to embarrass Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham ClintonHouse interviews Cohen for eight hours. Sanders, Biden at the top of the Dem package in New Hampshire poll Dershowitz: Did Michael Cohen help or hurt Donald Trump? Yes and yes MORE. Mueller said at a court filing Friday that he was expecting the government to take up his defense in five to eight days to plead his case against Trump's partner.

Stone is now in custody and has been released under covenant without warranty. He is allowed to travel between South Florida, Washington and New York.

Despite the gag order, Stone is allowed to continue his online fundraising for his legal defense and to express himself on other topics.


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