Judge blocks Texas governor’s order restricting immigrant transportation


Abbott’s order of last week appears to be invalid because “it conflicts with and obstructs federal immigration law; and… it directly regulates the operations of the federal government, ”wrote Cardone, a person appointed to El Paso by former President George W. Bush.

“The Executive Order causes irreparable harm to the United States and to those the United States is accused of protecting, of endangering the health and safety of non-citizens in federal custody, of endangering the security of the forces federal order and their families, and exacerbate the spread of COVID-19, ”added the judge.

The Justice Department filed a lawsuit against Texas and Abbott over the order on Friday, a day after Attorney General Merrick Garland sent the governor a letter claiming the measure was legally flawed. Cardone held a hearing Monday on the federal government’s request for a temporary restraining order.

Appearing on Fox News shortly after the judge’s ruling, Abbott pointed out that the state would have another chance to argue that the order it made is both legal and wise.

“We will have a full hearing in the coming weeks where we will have the opportunity to present evidence on how the Biden administration is exposing Texans to the thousands of migrants who bring Covid-19 to the United States of America.” Abbott said. “I hope and believe that after a full hearing of this matter, we will be able to present evidence that what I am doing is the thing that governors are empowered to do, and that is to protect the people of their state during their stay. while holding the Biden administration accountable for following laws, immigration laws passed by the United States Congress.

Abbott’s attorneys have previously said the order has yet to come into effect because the Texas Department of Public Safety has yet to develop policy guidelines on how to implement it. Lawyers for the Department of Justice said he threatened to significantly disrupt US government operations by forcing contractors, beneficiaries, non-governmental organizations and volunteers to refuse to help transport immigrants, including those who need testing or treatment for coronavirus infection.

The Cardone order issued on Tuesday will remain in effect until August 13, unless extended. She has set a hearing for today on the federal government’s request for a longer-term preliminary injunction against Abbott’s directive.

Kelly Hooper contributed to this report.


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