Jury convicts former NFL rapist and counts 8 more charges


A California jury that sentenced former NFL gambler Kellen Winslow Jr. for raping a 58-year-old homeless woman was sentenced to continue her deliberations after the jurors told a judge that they were in stalemate on eight other counts, including that of two other women.

The judge ordered the jurors to go to the San Diego Superior Court in Vista on Tuesday, one day after the verdict on a rape leader. The jurors also found Winslow guilty of indecenture and obscene behavior involving two other women.

The other two counts of rape involve a 54-year-old hitchhiker and an unconscious teenager in 2003.

Defense lawyers attacked the credibility of the accusers, pointing out inconsistencies in their stories. Prosecutors say the essence of their testimony has remained unchanged.

The five women all testified at the nine-day trial.


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