4 reasons why you can experience breast pain


A lady with bad pain. [Photo/health.com]

Breast pain has been a big problem for most women as it makes them think that they might be suffering from bad cancer.

Unfortunately, suffering from bad pain does not always mean that you have bad cancer because there are other reasons that cause bad pain.

In case you experience such pain, here are some reasons that may have precipitated this:

1. Mammitis

This problem mainly affects badfeeding mothers. During the badfeeding period, there is a time when dairy products block the milk duct and this causes bad pain.

In such a case, it is advisable to consult a doctor and obtain an appropriate diagnosis and treatment.

2. Menstruation

During this period, most women are affected by bad pain. The bad pain around this period always acts as a sign that the lady is about to receive her period.

3. The effects of treatment

Some drugs that women get as a treatment for certain diseases can also cause this condition of bad pain. Therefore, during the medication, do not worry too much because the pain may be due to the medication.

4. Wearing a tight bra

Every woman is always advised to know her size when it comes to wearing a bra. Wearing the tight bra in most cases causes bad pain as the surrounding is so tight.

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