5 signs that your relationship is over because you have exceeded it


It's time to go from the front

"Close a few doors, not because of pride, inability or arrogance, but simply because They do not lead anywhere anymore. – Paulo Coelho

In life, the only thing constant is change, and this is especially evident when it comes to relationships.

Each of us will experience grief, loss, disappointment and sorrow in our relationships. And we will also have various relationships that we will eventually have to let go, especially when these relationships no longer contribute to our greater good and may even be toxic.

This purge cycle is a natural part of life, but it is not always easy – especially when it comes to romantic relationships. Many of us hang too long on what was, or what we want our relationship to be, even if it holds us back from happiness, personal growth and / or happiness. reaching our true potential.

That is why it is important to realize the signs that your relationship is over so that you can move forward with your life.

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Here are 5 signs that you have outgrown your relationship, and how to let it go for good: [19659004]

1. Your partner adds more value to your life.

Romantic relationships are meant to elevate you, nurture you and inspire you. If this is not the case with your relationship, it means that maintaining something takes away something.

To determine if your partner adds value to your life, ask yourself these two questions:

  • What did this person learn about life?
  • Does my partner contribute to my life and goals?

If your answers are negative, then it's time to let go of this person. By being honest with yourself about the state of your relationship, it will be easier for you to let go of the illusions or fantasies you hold about your relationship.

2. There are more bad days than good days.

All relationships have their ups and downs, and all couples quarrel from time to time. But, if you find yourself in a constant state of conflict with your partner, and can count more bad days than good days, then you need to step back and badess if your relationship is working.

Staying in a relationship that does not make you happy is not just a waste of time and energy, it is also a loss to your partner. You only have one life, do not spend it miserable.

3. You may feel moving in a different direction.

Maybe you want to travel, relocate, go back to school, start a business, or do something else that will propel you forward.

But, your partner is not on board and is complacent living life just as is. Your partner might even try to make you feel guilty about wanting to experience more life.

Sometimes you have to give up what is in order to embrace what will be, and often dropping is the hardest part. But, if it sounds familiar, then it means that it's time for you to grow and experience more of what life has to offer.

Explore. Live. Trip. Be free. Move with life rather than against it, and let anyone stop you from reaching your potential – you owe it to yourself. It may hurt initially, but you will someday turn around and realize that this person and this relationship were not meant to continue because they could not take you to the place where you are supposed to be.

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4. You care about what was, rather than admitting what is

Do you often find yourself fantasizing about how your relationship was, rather than how it really is?

Do you use your past experiences with your partner? as justification to stay in your relationship even if you are unhappy?

If you answered yes to these two questions, then you are living in the past and you cling to what was rather than admitting what is.

This is problematic because when you stand in the past, you are preventing yourself from going ahead with your life. All this time and all the energy you spend to try to relive what is stopping you from creating a present and a happy future.

In order to free you from this trap, make a list of what you want out of a relationship and compare it to the relationship you are currently in. Do these comparisons align? If your answer is no then your relationship has reached its expiry date and it is time for you to get over what is, rather than what was.

5. You can not imagine a future with your current partner.

Maybe you've been with your partner for so long that spending time together is comfortable and natural. Maybe you do not want to be alone. Maybe you really love your partner, but you do not want to take things to the next level.

There are a million possibilities for which you are with your partner now, but the reality is that if you can not imagine building a future with this person then this is definitely not the person for you.

Be honest with yourself and be honest with your partner. Once you realize that the future you want does not include your person, it's time to let them go for good.

In life, time is your most precious resource – do not spend yours just because it's easy. am comfortable. There is no guarantee for the future, so once you realize that your partner is not the "one" for you to move on to something else. You deserve something better from now, just like your partner.

By using these five signs as a landmark to understand when you've outgrown your relationship, you'll have more clarity and direction when it comes time to make those tough decisions – like ending your relationship for good.

And most importantly, remember that there is a purpose for everyone who enters your life. Some people will stay and others will go – that is the nature of life and relationships. But, all of them have something to teach you, if you are ready to bend over.

Be a volunteer student. Allow people to teach you lessons about life. But, do not hold back from propelling yourself forward – let people go when it's their time so you can continue to grow in your life.

CONNECTION: If these 7 things are present in your relationship, he is doomed

Antasha is a spiritual writer, lifetime student of the universe, and psychic tarot reader reader [19659042]. Its website is dedicated to discouraging the spiritual experience and making it accessible to everyone, no matter where, no matter when. Follow her for free, easy-to-digest and highly actionable advice on spirituality, mindfulness and independent living.

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