5 times Croatian President Grabar-Kitarovic won the hearts at the World Cup (PHOTOS)


Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic has become an improbable star of the 2018 Russia World Cup with her fervent flash of support for the losing finalists, making herself loved by football fans around the world.

Grabar-Kitarovic is already a star in her country, having become the youngest president of the country when she was named in 2015 at 46 years old. She won by watching fans with her fervent support of the tiny nation on the Adriatic coast on their march towards the finals.

READ MORE: Hold the first page! Croatian president wins 25% more titles than Modric in World Championship final

President could be seen alongside economic clbad supporters on flights and in the stadium supporters' section, but also her presence, where she wore the famous red and white checkered jersey

C is the woman who inspired Croatia tonight. She was present. She shouted horse. She screamed. She jumped. She squeezed Dimitr's hand. Yes, she is more than a mother for Croats. Hi Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović. pic.twitter.com/H4QeNvh5z7

– Philip Etale (@EtalePhilip) July 7, 2018

It has been reported that over 250,000 mentions online worldwide in the world during the Sunday's final in Moscow, Grabar-Kitarovic was written on more than any player, receiving 25 percent more mentions than the team's captain and Luka Modric.

So, cheers to tears, RT Sport gives you the summary of the signing moments of Grabar-Kitarovic

We celebrate in Sochi

We start the match in Sochi, where Grabar-Kitarovic burst onto the scene of the World Cup and inadvertently became a meme star in Croatia's quarter-final against Russia. 19659011] Glamorous in a Croatia jersey tucked in bright red trousers, the 50-year-old girl cut an elegant figure into the VIP box of the Fisht Stadium, while she was standing up and waving to the crowd as the Eventua Lly team ousted hosts 4-3 on penalties after 120 minutes of football that failed to separate the two teams to 2-2.

READ MORE: Croatian president wins supporters with a VIP zone pbadion show

] Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, with whom the president has shaken hands, dug a figure a little more reserved and sitting just two seats away, creating a gulf for the least charismatic.

Present Putin with a custom shirt … and get flowers back

After getting to know the Prime Minister – and leaving him a little impressed – Grabar-Kitarovic made amends with Russian President Vladimir Putin. 19659008] Regarding the gift ideas, the Croatian president understood it well, and when she handed a personalized football shirt "Putin 9" during their meeting at the Kremlin, it was a perfect example.

READ MORE: Putin presents flowers to Croatian president and gets a football jersey in return (VIDEO, PHOTOS) " This is for the match today "said Grabar-Kitarovic white and white plaid jersey. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Putin did not return the football-themed gift, handing over his traditional bouquet of flowers in return.

"We will win the World Cup at a NATO summit

If fans like something, it's a bit of trust on the part of officials, and the prediction of Grabar-Kitarović at a NATO summit READ MORE: "We will win the World Cup!": the Croatian President promised to the NATO summit (VIDEO) [19659004] The Croatian President admitted that she and other large dogs at the summit in Brussels, Belgium had not looked, but had "followed" the match between the Croatia and England at dinner.She was even photographed at the top wearing a red and white scarf while she was posing with US President Donald Trump.

"We followed the game over dinner " Grabar-Kitarovic said as she entered the last sessions of the meeting." It was wonderful because all the allies we urged all, especially, " she added, before giving her predictions: " It will be a successful summit and we will win Sunday. "

Although his prediction is not quite accurate in the end, his optimism and confidence were enough to earn the respect of football fans around the world

To exhaust to comfort Luka Modric

The Luzhniki stadium is open after the final and rain fell on the field. Grabar-Kitarovic stood firm as the rain soaked his Croatian jersey and congratulated every player and member of the Croatian team, coach Zlatko Dalic and his technical badistants. players

READ MORE: The Croatian emotional leader Grabar-Kitarovic Modric consoles after the final defeat of the World Cup (PHOTOS)

Croatian captain Luka Modric, already with the weight of disappointment in the form of his Medal The President saved her decisive moment until the end, as she wrapped her hands around the captain's face and cried tears. of pride as she consoled and thanked the mercurial midfielder. Base level: 100.

Declare that Croatia is "at the top of the world anyway" after the final defeat

Even in defeat, the president managed to sigh a fan's admiration from around the world, when she rejected the obvious pain of losing a World Cup final to proclaim that Croatia was at the top of the world anyway.

"It does not matter if we win gold or money, we are at the top of the world, and I am so proud of my nation." Grabar-Kitarovic said to RT following the defeat in France

READ MORE: "We are at the top of the world anyway": the Croatian president on FIFA World Cup Final

Whatever the outcome of the World Cup final, a result of the tournament was obvious for all: Grabar-Kitarovic combines chic, overflowing energy and patriotism to ensure the first place in the hearts of fans. on a global scale.

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