6 common behaviors that silently kill your relationship: Evewoman


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Relationships are good and each of us aspires to have someone in his life with whom to share his journey. Relationships are based on attraction, admiration, pbadion, feelings and closeness. Relationships develop due to many factors like openness, communication, problem-solving together, support for others' dreams, respect and love.

There are some things we do in our relationships that cause drift and can lead to breaks. We must take into account the feelings of the other and support each other to build a strong and healthy relationship to which you both can adapt.

Although not all relationships or marriages are tainted by infidelity or financial problems, there are small things you do or do not do that could ruin what you have.

  1. Not Paying Attention to Small Things

Most people who have been in relationships for a long time tend to ignore the little details about their partners and this could lead to arguments and drift. When your partner shares good news with you, let them feel that you are happy for them by sharing the excitement and joy. Regardless of the level of achievement, make sure your partner feels valued and shares his enthusiasm

  1. Put the focus on your phones

If you did not know it, it's one of the main causes of breakup. The use of the phone has affected the privacy of couples due to lack of attention to each other. The use of the phone decreases the quality and satisfaction of relationships because it shows the lack of interest of one partner in the other. If anything, it shows that you would prefer to be somewhere other than home.

  1. Fleeing Problems

A study shows that couples who communicate openly are happier. Most relationships fail because couples do not face their problems and talk about them. You have to approach the question in a receptive way because if you do not do it, the case itself will no longer be a problem, but you and how you brought it out.

  1. Spend time together

It's important to want to be together each time, but you both need space to do things alone. It does not necessarily develop, but it strengthens the relationship. You both need to spend time with other people, you need to focus on your goals and dreams.

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  1. Being jealous

This leaves the fear of being abandoned and being insecure. Jealousy manifests itself in various forms ranging from lack of trust, low trust, fear of betrayal, and past experience of relationships. Couples need to talk about their feelings and things that make them jealous of avoiding complications that could lead to separation. Eliminate jealousy and bring understanding and open communication.

  1. Being Ungrateful

Learn to appreciate the little things your partner does for you and when he goes out of his way to please you. Your partner has no obligation to take you out or buy anything for you and if he does, show appreciation and gratitude. Do not appreciate nice gestures will roll back the other and they may not see a future with you and they will eventually break it.

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