SNAPPY 7: Halima Aden – I was a housekeeper before becoming a dummy


  Supermodel Halima Aden Supermodel Halima Aden


Supermodel Halima Aden has come a long way. Born and raised in Kakuma refugee camp, she moved to America with her mother at the age of seven. At 20, she is celebrating on the world podiums.

She recently became the first woman to appear on the cover of British Vogue wearing a hijab

. the first time since she left. Last week, she was appointed ambbadador for Unicef.

She spoke to Nairobi News .

What went through your mind when you were asked to become a model?

I just remember going like ooh, is this a joke, is it a joke, like what's going on right. But it was amazing because it is not something that comes everyday especially for me. I wear a hijab and it is something that has never happened before. For me, it was a big deal.

You are back in Kakuma for the first time since leaving. What memories do you have to run here and there, child?

I have so many memories, as they always came to me and hit me like a night truck. I just have so many memories of what it was like to have a ton of freedom at the time. Seeing this now, I tell myself that it was not a good idea, but I just remember being with my friends, leaving on my own and being away for hours, all day and running home for supper or dinner. This is nothing important, but something small that reminds me of how it was to be a child here.

Before having your major break, did you work as a cleaning lady?

Yes, I did the housework for two years. For me, I wanted to go to the hospital one way or another, so I applied for the household and I did it for two years. In fact, it's funny because I was in the household and doing modeling at the same time. The first six months of being a model, I have also kept my job for reasons of job security. I did not know if it was going to be ok or not, so that was my backup plan and I also liked my job.

As a young person, what inspires you?

What inspires me is the community. Hear different stories. I love to learn different trips even though it's the opposite of my trip, I find it fascinating. I think we have so many stories to tell and that we can all learn from each other, so that has always been me.

I like to learn and like to meet and meet different people, it inspires me. Also, I want to inspire children, that they are refugees, muslims, hijab wearing women, that makes me do good and work hard at least.

What did your mother say when you told her you wanted to be a model? 19459007 My mother thought I was crazy. She was like really, why, that was the first question she asked me. She is an African mother and she was like going back to school, going to bed. She told me to go put on a dress and walk in the living room for an hour and after an hour you get back to your routine, you do not do fashion basically. She kept me on the ground. At the moment, she is happy about everything related to modeling

Do you think that your hijab is a political statement?

No, I do not think so. I was eight when I donned it because I thought my mother was pretty. I just wanted to look like it's so simple.

In your life, is there pressure to look in a certain way?

I think that being a girl in today 's society, wherever you are, it is always exerting pressure to watch from some way. There is this pressure that wants to be your absolute best with this company of what is beautiful.

But I learned quickly enough that this definition is inaccessible to me and what makes me beautiful is not my physical appearance is what is inside. I have the impression that it is an answer we all say, but it's really the way you behave like a girl. Beauty is a Way of Life

Why Rihanna's Songs?

(Laughter). That's Rihanna sir, do you want me to go out and answer that? Pon of Replay, I think it came out right after we left camp and I remember in camp, the only song I remember was American was Kelly Rowland and Nelly (19459009) Dilemma begins to sing) we only had a radio on our block and the boy arrived. Everyone knew the song.

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