The hospital pays Sh6 million for the amputation of the baby leg


The family of a four-year-old boy received six million shillings after his leg was amputated due to the negligence of a Makindu hospital.

In August 2013, a few hours after his birth, the infant suffered severe burns to his right leg after a light bulb accidentally fell in the nursery of the Makindu Subcounty Hospital.

He was separated from his mother Philomena Ndunge, 29 years old. who was recovering at the facility after a caesarean section.

Following the accident, the mother and son stayed in the hospital for three months while the baby

was being treated.

"When I inquired about what had happened to his son, the nurses told me that there had been an accident and that he had been burned in the nursery. I was saddened to learn this, "Ndunge told the Star at his home in Kiamba,

Kibwezi, yesterday.

She said that her son's leg had been amputated without her consent. The hospital did not comment on the claim. He did not answer short calls or SMS.

The court was informed that the leg had been amputated to save the boy's life.

In a judgment rendered Friday in the absence of all parties, Makindu magistrate, Gerald Mutiso, rejected the argument of the hospital. He said that the hospital had been negligent. The boy's grandfather, Julius Ndungi, sued the hospital

in 2014.

"A newborn is totally dependent on his family for his survival and safety." No reasonable person would put a light bulb loose near a baby.

"The last place where a person would expect that a child would be burned by a falling bulb is in a hospital nursery," Mutiso said.The hospital did not ensure that the heating equipment was in good condition before placing the baby in the nursery. "

In an interview with the Star at their home, the family stated that they were informed of the court's decision.

Ndunge, a housewife, was unable to attend court sessions because

she was short of bus tickets. [19659002] "Although the case took too much time, we are satisfied with the judgment. We will use the money to buy an artificial limb to facilitate movement. I want him to get a good education, "said Ndunge.

She said her only child must rest every 30 minutes while limping at school. She escorts her

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