Smartphones kill teenagers' memories, study finds


  A new study suggests that the radiation of smartphones has a negative impact on the memory of adolescents. (Credit: iStock)

A new study suggests that the radiation of smartphones has a negative impact on the memory of adolescents. (Credit: iStock)


New research suggests that the radiation of smartphones has a negative impact on the memory of adolescents, leaving them with short-term memory loss. The problem is that a radiation of one year could be enough to damage the part of the brain that interprets images and shapes.

According to the study, released Monday, there would be a negative impact on memory performance after exposure. to electromagnetic radio frequency (RF-EMF) radiation.

"This may suggest that the RF-EMFs absorbed by the brain are indeed responsible for the badociations observed." said Martin Röösli, responsible for environmental exposures and health at the Swiss Institute of Tropical Health and Public Health (Swiss TPH), in a statement announcing the results of the study

Research has was conducted by scientists from Swiss TPH and studied the habits of 700 adolescents in Switzerland aged 12 to 17 years.

"The most relevant source of exposure to the brain is the use of a cell phone near the head," the statement added. "Several studies have been conducted to identify the potential health effects of RF-EMF, although the results have remained inconclusive."

Activities such as sending SMS, playing or browsing the Internet are not badociated with a "marginal RF-EMF exposure" and therefore do not affect the performance of the memory.

"A unique feature of this study is the use of mobile phone user data objectively collected from mobile operators." Röösli added in the study.

While the study highlights a potential cause of memory loss in adolescents, Röösli was careful to add that more research is needed to see if any other factors have influenced the results. Röösli said that potential risks can be minimized by not holding the phone at someone's head, either by using headphones or by using the speaker when speaking to someone else. call, "said Röösli. especially when the network quality is low and the mobile phone is operating at maximum power. "


Risks Related to Smartphone

Similar study from the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), which highlighted the link between smart devices and the durations of attention, leading to a higher probability of attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

The JAMA study found that the audit frequent social media, internet browsing and other online activities would increase the likelihood of "meeting the criteria of ADHD" two years later, according to Jenny Radesky, MD, badistant professor of behavioral pediatrics at the University of Ottawa. University of Michigan School of Medicine

More than 2,500 students aged 15 to 16 from 10 high schools in Los Angeles between 2014 and 2016 participated in the JAMA study

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