Breastfeeding Can Reduce the Risk of Cancer


Health and Fitness

Tuesday, July 24, 2018 18:11


Many women worry that if they badfeed they would have sagging bads but researchers confirm that badfeeding do not make them wither more. PHOTO FILE | NMG

Did you know that not badfeeding totally is a risk factor for bad, ovarian and uterine cancers in women?

Worse yet, childbirth over 30 years exposes women to bad cancer. Mutuma, head of research in oncology and pathology at the Kenya Medical Research Institute (Kemri), said that badfeeding reduces the risk of bad cancer primarily through two mechanisms.

Human milk, scientifically known as a hamlet, Dr. Mutuma says clinical research has proven that the complex components of bad milk secretion reduce the risk of bad cancer in badfeeding women exclusively during a certain period of time

. As a result, the hamlet offers safe and effective protection against the development of bad cancer. Breastfeeding also offers protection against ovarian cancer, rheumatoid arthritis and type 2 diabetes.

Breastfeeding reduces the risk of cancer, says Dr. Mutuma, because of the differentiation of bad tissue and the reduction of the number of ovulatory cycles.

"I would urge women, particularly working mothers, to badfeed exclusively for at least six months, which will not only benefit the baby, but also the mother, as it decreases the chances of to contract bad cancer, "said Dr. Mutuma, a former chief government pathologist and founder of the Nairobi Cancer Registry

.Fear that if they badfeed, they would have sagging bads, but the researchers confirm that the l?

In a study of 132 women conducted in 2007, badfeeding did not have a significant effect on bad ptosis. Age, smoking and the number of pregnancies a woman have contributed to the shape of their bads.

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