Barcelona star Denis Suarez should miss the start of the season as his hamstring injury excludes him for three weeks


BARCELONA will be without midfielder Denis Suarez for the start of the season after the club has confirmed that he would be out for three weeks due to a hamstring injury.

The 24-year-old and his teammate Andre Gomes – He was sacked in the first half against Tottenham in the International Champion's Cup Sunday

   Denis Suarez, Barcelona midfielder, was out for three weeks in a row

Getty Images – Getty

Suarez was expelled from action for three weeks with a hamstring injury
   Suarez, 24, took over the problem at the Champions Cup match against Tottenham this weekend

AP: Associated Press

Suarez, 24 years old picked up the problem in the Champions Cup clash against Tottenham on weekends

A The club's statement revealed that the duo was immediately sent back to Catalonia for testing – cutting off their pre-season tour of the United States. 9659002] Barça said: "The pre-season has not experienced the best start of Andre Gomes or Denis Suarez." Both players suffered muscle injuries in the first game of the US Tour, against Tottenham at the Rose Bowl, and both were on flights directly to Barcelona for tests to determine the extent of their respective problems.

"It has been confirmed that Denis Suarez has a femoral biceps muscle pulled into his left hamstring."

   The Spanish international Suarez scored three goals in 27 games for the La Liga champions the season last

Getty Images – Getty

The Spanish international Suarez scored three goals in 27 games for the La Liga champions last season
   Suarez, former lender of Seville, played 63 games with the Barça since his first campaign 2016/17

AP: Associated Press

Suarez, former lender of Sevilla, has accumulated 63 matches Apparitions for Barca since his debut in campaign 2016/17

Suarez – who played two times for Manchester City between 2011 and 2013 – scored three goals and five badists in 27 games under the leadership of boss Ernesto Valverde last season.

The club revealed that Gomes, aged 25, had also suffered from a hamstring problem, but that the Portuguese hero of Euro 2016 was back to the game.

They added: "Andre Gomes injured the same muscle." However, it seems less clear when the Portuguese midfielder can resume training – it all depends on the progress of the injury. "

Lionel Messi, Barcelona star he meets the son of the opponent in a comforting encounter

Gomes has been strongly linked to a move away from the champions of Spain – with Arsenal supposed to bring the former Benfica maestro to the UAE

offer the former man from Valencia to Chelsea under any agreement to sign Golo Kante.

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