British supporters rush to Russia for the quarter-finals of the World Cup | Soccer


English fans made one last round in Russia for the quarter-finals of the World Cup against Sweden, after the biggest game of their team was played for years in front of thousands of empty seats [19659002TherewerestillplentyofticketsavailableforthematchinSamaraontheFifawebsiteonFridayafternoonbutashortageofavailableflightsandaccommodationswascausingaheadacheforthefansSomehavemadeextremeeffortstoensurethattheywillbeinthecrowdforEngland'sattempttomakesemifinalsforthefirsttimesince1990

Chris Waters, Director A small consulting company, embarks on a 21-hour, 2,500-mile round trip between London and Samara, Russia's sixth largest city. With an estimate of 100 other English fans, Waters will take a chartered flight from Stansted Airport at 6am Saturday, landing at 1am Sunday.

"It's a five-hour flight so we disembark four hours before the game, directly at the stadium," he said. "It worked very well because there is no place to stay there. We tried commercial flights and going through Istanbul but we were unlucky. I got out of the drink all week and I was trying to sleep eight hours a night because I do not sleep at all.

"It cost me £ 1700 all inclusive so it was expensive but it's a chance to see England in the quarter-finals or a World Cup and that's n?" not happen often. "

Some fans have paid up to double the face value for touts tickets believing that there was none yet through the official channels, but then Fifa unexpectedly released a lot of 2,000 late Thursday night While tickets are easier to find than expected, there is almost no availability on domestic flights.Russian Railways have announced that they would put an extra train for fans traveling in town, although there is also no availability Friday in the trains

Tom Blackwell, a fan of Moscow, said that he had made plans to last minute from the Russian capital to Samara, spending 50,000 rubles (£ 600) on the 80 minute flight

Some fans had chosen to arrive early in Samara, to enjoy cheaper flights and more time in the city, where the temperatures are this week much hotter than Moscow. If England goes to the finals on July 15, Samara will be the last trip outside the capital for those following the team, with a possible semifinal and final played at the stadium. Luzhniki of Moscow

. In the night, we heard the "Football & Coming Home" bar on the quay of the Volga, a pleasant pedestrian area in Samara with a sandy beach by the river.

The head of tourism in the region, Mikhail Maltsev The city was waiting for the English fans to be outnumbered by Swedish fans in Saturday's match, with 3,500 against 5,500 expected. While the England team has many Russian supporters, the majority of the stadium's residents are expected to wait in Sweden, partly because of geopolitical tensions between Britain and Russia.

Sweden has announced a ministerial boycott of the world. Cup, but after the team reached the knockout stages, this was canceled. The British ambbadador to Russia, Laurie Bristow, is expected to attend the match in Samara but there will be no representation of the cabinet or the royal family.

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