Chepkoech, Frerichs Break World, American Records in the Epic Steeple Race


Beatrice Chepkoech has set aside one of the best female steeplechase courts ever badembled, beating more than eight seconds of the world record to run 8: 44.33 at the Monaco Diamond League in Monaco.

The race was expected to be fast with six of the first eight women in history aligning for what was to be the best opportunity to run fast. A time of less than 9 minutes seemed inevitable, but Ruth Jebet's 8: 52.78 seemed to be a litter. Beatrice Chepkoech blew this theory out of the water.

After a split of 2h55 on 1000m, Chepkoech escaped from the peloton. His lead increased gradually until it was clear that no one would be able to continue and the world record was threatened. After a second kilometer of 2:54, Chepkoech only needed to stay up to get the record. She hit the bell at 7:37, about 100 meters before second place) and the only remaining question was what the new record would be. She crossed the line in 8: 44.33, an exponential leap in the test.

Courtney Frerichs breaks the American record in 9: 00.85 @ courtfrerichs8 #MonacoDL

– FloTrack (@FloTrack) July 20, 2018 [19659008] ] Behind Chepkoech, and out of the cameras, Courtney Frerichs led the fastest race of her life. She escaped from the rest of the busy peloton and crossed the line in second place, beating Emma Coburn for the first time in her career and beating the US Coburn record with a time of 9: 00.35.

Coburn took fourth place in 9: 05.06.

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