Chicago Hispanic Newspaper, Lawndale News, Bilingual Hispanic Newspapers, Su Noticiero Bilingual »HIV Experimental Vaccine Promising in First Trial


  Lawndale News Chicago Bilingual Journal - Health

  Lawndale News Chicago Bilingual Journal - Health

An experimental HIV vaccine was safe and triggered strong immune responses in healthy adults and monkeys, report researchers. They say that he also protected two-thirds of the monkeys against a virus similar to HIV. Although the results of animal studies are not always the same in humans, researchers are encouraged by this early study, which included nearly 400 healthy people. For the next step, they are launching a new vaccine trial that will include 2,600 women in southern Africa who may be infected with HIV. The experimental vaccine against HIV-1 is one of five that have progressed to efficacy tests in humans. While previous experimental vaccines against HIV-1 have generally been limited to specific regions of the world, this vaccine combines different HIV viruses. The goal is to trigger immune responses against a wide variety of HIV strains, according to the authors of the study published Friday in the medical journal The Lancet. About 37 million people worldwide have HIV / AIDS, and there are 1.8 million new cases a year.

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