Condoms unfit for use, court told


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In Nairobi, a resident of the United States of America (19659004) Mr Williamson Nyakweba Omworo on Tuesday, Beta Healthcare, Kenya Bureau of Standards (Kebs) and Kenya Revenue Authority for the condoms, which he believes are substandard.

In case documents filed at the High Court, Mr Omworo said he used Zoom condoms for about 10 months before he realised they

Being a frequent traveler in Kisii and Nairobi, he said he bought them from various shops, pharmacists and entertainment joints in different towns. However, he said he contracted badually transmitted infections despite using the condoms.

Through Charles Gomba & Company Advocates, he said he has learned to zoom in on condoms.

He said that he wrote a letter asking for condoms, did not answer his questions.

He argued that there was collusion between the parties and the fact that the condoms were not safe.

"I bring this petition to an individual and a matter of public interest on the subject of the citizens of Kenya," said Mr. Omworo.

He further told the court that his right to goods of reasonable quality, information, protection of health safety among others were violated.

He accused Beta Healthcare, which markets the product, of failing to protect his health, safety and economic interest by supplying condoms that exposed him to the risk of contracting STIs, HIV / Aids and the mental anguish of exposing his partners to the same risk besides unwanted pregnancies.

"It is imperative and it is indeed economical use of judicial resources of the United States. to the STIs and HIV / Aids to the fact that Beta Healthcare continues to distribute the same brand of condoms to the unsuspecting public, "said Mr Omworo.

Since he contracted STIs, he lost his wife (19659016) window.fbAsyncInit = function () {FB.init ({appId: ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 174023979648743 ', xfbml:! 0, version:' v2.5 '})}; (function (d, s, id) {var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName (s) [0]; if (d.getElementById ( id)) {return} js = d.createElement (s); = id; js.src = ""; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore (js , fjs)} (document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); [ad_2]
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