Dementia: a brain disease that deprives people of years of decline


The condition affects the elderly, but is not a normal part of aging


The life expectancy of a Kenyan is improved over the years, from 51 years to the beginning of the century, to 63 years according to estimates of the World Health Organization.

By 2030, the Ministry of Health predicts that life expectancy will have reached 70 years. However, as people get older, they face the risk of degenerative brain dementia, which deprives people of their sunset years.

Dementia is a neurological disease characterized by deterioration of memory, thinking and behavior.

A person with dementia may have difficulty recognizing loved ones, being aware of their surroundings, or doing basic things like dressing and eating without help.

Although this affects the elderly, it is not normal.

Early dementia is rare, but not unknown. The chronic degenerative condition affects a person's ability to process thought, and impaired cognitive function often accompanies the deterioration of emotional control, social behavior, or motivation.

Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia. Dementia can also result from a variety of conditions such as chronic alcoholism, stroke, Wilson's disease, herpes virus and HIV infections, the disease thyroid and vitamin deficiency.

Although age is the largest known risk factor for dementia, some people will develop dementia, while others live to old age with their minds as sharp as they are. 39, a 20-year-old.

Outside of age, the risk of developing dementia factors, influences on health and lifestyle habits such as smoking and alcohol consumption. People with a family history of dementia are at higher risk of dementia over time.

High blood pressure, obesity, high cholesterol and diabetes are also risk factors, many studies have shown that people with dementia have a twice as high risk of developing a dementia later in life.

Unfortunately, there is not a single test to determine if anyone has dementia. Doctors diagnose Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia based on careful medical history, physical examination, MRIs, and characteristic changes in daily thinking, function and daily behavior. to each type of disability. Laboratory tests and MRI imaging are done to rule out other causes of dementia that might be treatable especially in younger patients.

The early stage of dementia is often overlooked because the onset is progressive and can last for many years. Although early signs vary, common symptoms include gradual forgetfulness, loss of time, and inability to recognize familiar places.

As dementia progresses, the signs and symptoms become clearer – forgetting recent events and people's names. at home, having more and more difficulty communicating, needing help for personal care and behavioral changes such as wandering and repeated questions.

The last stage of dementia is that of near-total dependence and inactivity. The memory problems are serious and the physical signs and symptoms become more obvious. There is no cure and no treatment that stops the progression of dementia, but there are medications that can temporarily slow its progression.

Once the neurologist has made a diagnosis, he will advise a drug that can help the patient. However, dementia resulting from infectious problems, thyroid and vitamin deficiency can be reversed.

Although there is nothing one can do about aging or genetics, your health is always in your hands. Keep your weight in the proper range, maintain healthy levels of blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar to protect your brain.

Avoid head injuries, smoking and depression. Regular exercise and brain challenges through cognitive, mental and social activities are badociated with a lower risk of dementia. A healthy diet, low in red meat and rich in omega-3 fatty acids, coconut and olive oil, plenty of fruits and vegetables, nuts, whole grains, legumes and vitamin E.

Dementia causes disability and addiction among seniors and the accompanying changes are weighing on caregivers and families, who need education and advice. There is low awareness of dementia leading to stigma and barriers to diagnosis and care. Communities can identify older people with dementia who "behave strangely" as witches and ostracize them, but dementia patients need the same care, love, and understanding as those given to children

treatment that can reverse changes in the blood vessels of the brain, badociated with small vessel disease (MVP).

The disease is a major cause of vascular dementia (and stroke) and can worsen the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. it was not known how changes in small blood vessels in the brain cause damage to brain cells. The researchers found that MV occurs when the cells lining the small blood vessels become dysfunctional

. This causes the secretion of a molecule in the brain that stops the production of myelin, the protective layer surrounding the brain cells.

Treatment of rats with drugs that prevent blood vessel cells from becoming dysfunctional reversed the symptoms of MV and prevented brain damage.

However, further studies are needed to verify whether the treatment is well established. and to check if the treatment can reverse the symptoms of dementia.

The results were published in the journal Science Translational Medicine

Dr. Mbugua is a neurologist at the Aga Khan University Hospital in Nairobi.

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