Does "healthy obesity" also increase the risk of death as obesity?


Up to now, many people have debated this "healthy obesity". Which means obesity without a disease like diabetes, hypertension or hypercholesterolemia. Will put one person at risk for another long-term illness.

What do the experts say?

Well, according to experts. According to a recent study that took place just a month ago. He suggested that healthy obesity actually puts some people at risk for the disease. This has been reported on Medical News Today. However, another question is asked by a team of researchers from York University in Toronto, Canada, and from the University of South Carolina in Colombia. They wondered what was the risk of premature death?

Well, according to their study. What they did after badyzing the health data of 54,089 participants. They discovered that healthy obesity alone does not increase the risk of premature death. On the other hand, obesity badociated with a disease like diabetes, dyslipidemia and hypertension increases the risk.

What do the experts suggest?

Although according to reports, one in twenty. Who has obesity does not receive any diseases such as diabetes, dyslipidemia and hypertension. Anyone who has a BMI of 30 or more is diagnosed with excessive body fat health problems. However, anyone who strikes this mark, whether obese healthy or not. They are always advised to lose weight. Which, in itself, includes tips on healthy eating habits.

Although, a person with a high BMI of 30 who have no metabolic risk factor. Has the same risk of premature death as an average person. However, Kuk, who leads this study, said, "We show that people with metabolically healthy obesity are not at a high death rate." Kuk said. "We found that a person of normal weight without other metabolic risk factors is just as likely to die as the person suffering from obesity and no other risk factors".

Which apparently means that a person with excessive body fat problems. However, still, so many people are told to lose weight just because of high BMI. Who says that it is uncertain that people like them would benefit from weight loss or not.

Does "healthy obesity" also increase the risk of death as obesity? [ad_2]
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