Have you ever looked at a couple and thought of yourself, "They look perfect together" until you find out that the relationship is heading towards Splitsville.
Fans of radio personality Masechaba Ndlovu were shocked to discover that his photo Ndlovu joins a long list of celebrities who revealed their new single status in recent years
There are no a long time, the personality of the radio and Idols SA judge Unathi Nkayi. She divorced her husband Thomas Msengana, also a famous DJ, whom she had married in 2009. Melanie and Zwai Bala also ended their ten-year marriage.
In April, Melanie told Cliffcentral: "We were together for 17 years and who you are when you meet at 20-something is very different from who you are when you're 40. You are growing up. You are evolving. "
Popular sports anchor Robert Marawa and television star Pearl Thusie are part of the growing list of couples in Splitsville, after breaking their engagement
Ironically, the rapper and presenter Idols SA Tebogo "Proverb" Thekisho broke silence on the reasons for the divorce of his 10-year-old wife Onalerona on Ndlovu's radio show. He accused his wife of cheating.
Breaking the queen of glam Bonang Matheba with rap superstar AKA is still a story on Twitter
The subject of their relationship often arises on social media.
The two broke up this year after AKA announced that they had separated, which resulted in a song in his latest album.
Add Babes Wodumo and Mampintsha, and Pearl Modiade, and the list of splits becomes scary. [19659002] NeuroCoach and owner of the KimCoach NeuroCoaching Academy, Kim Ikel, weighed on relationships with celebrities and told The Star that theirs did not differ from the challenges of other couples
"That may seem different because their ecology and context may differ, but it is important to understand that every human being, regardless of their position, has fears, limiting beliefs and untreated negative emotions. to our relationships, and if they are not confronted and transformed, they will inform our results, "said Ikel.
On Wednesday night, in a message on social networks, Ndlovu said that she had to make a painful decision of his partner.
Screenshot: Instagram
"I made the very painful decision to separate from my husband, the Love of m for life, the man of my dreams. My turn or die. Sometimes, in life, the best thing you can do is the hardest thing you've ever done, "she wrote.
Ndlovu added that they would always remain friends and fantastic parents for their children – and that they would still like
She further explained that her decision to get away from her marriage was among other things because she was not happy.
"Often, people continue to pretend because they fear being seen as failures or losing their credibility. . We forget that the best gift you can give to the world and to yourself is your happiness. Your truth Social media should not just show the good times. Let us engage and develop each other, even in difficult times. Life is a journey and not a destination, "she wrote.
The leadership team of Ndlovu said he had no comment on this.
Ndlovu's reactions to the breakup are prevalent on his social networking pages., whose real name is Mandla Maphumulo.
In May, during an interview with Babes Wodumo on The Drive, Masechaba claimed that Babes had been abused by his partner, Mampintsha, who denied him
the Metro FM presenter of the charges she made in May. "Yabonake, amarelationship anjani sis wamAs I have already told you, relationships are very delicate, kodwa ke (but) sizokuthandazela, (translated freely, we will pray for you.)
"We even pray for those who do not like We tweeted Mampintsha
The separation of Ndlovu came with a mixed reaction from Twitter followers @Sukoluhle Nyathi tweeted: "Read only the Masechaba Ndlovu's decision to separate from her husband, as painful as it may be, she had a "
Read only the decision of Masechaba Ndlovu to separate from her husband
As painful as it may be, she had a message as powerful and profound in his article on self-love. – Sukoluhle Nyathi (@SueNyathi) 12 July 2018
@LudidiVelani tweeted: "Should Masechaba Ndlovu explain to the public why she and her husband are separating after the way she handled the interview of Wodumo babes? " [19659025] Does M asechaba Ndlovu have to explain to the public why she and her husband are separating after the way she handled Babes Wodumo's interview? ?
– Veve (@LudidiVelani) 12 July 2018
According to Ikel, the deception of a celebrity relationship from the outside is common and interpreted without a full understanding.
"We choose to read and relate to that without always understanding that there is a context around what we see at face value. The disappointment will appear if we only see the projector and not the complete scene.
"Every relationship has all sides, and if we only choose to see one side, then it's a universal law that when another side comes up, we may feel surprised or disappointed," Ikel says.
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