Five ways to relieve menstrual cramps


Menstrual cramps, also known as dysmenorrhea, can be very painful and three out of four women feel the effects.

Here are some ways to relieve cramps of the time


This may not seem convenient because you are suffering, but any type of physical activity can help relieve pain. This is due to the fact that when you are exercising, your body pumps more blood, which helps release more endorphins to counteract the prostaglandins, thus reducing your cramps.


Heat helps relax the contracting uterine muscles. You can use heating pads or even a hot water bottle on your abdomen and you will get relief from the pain.


Getting a mbadage on the back or the bottom of the abdomen can help you feel better when you have cramps.

You can also use aromatic essential oils like; essential oil of lavender or clary sage essential oil to relieve pain faster.

The Right Diet

Nutritional deficiencies are one of the main causes of cramps. What you eat determines the intensity of your pain.

It is advisable to stay away from inflammatory foods such as french fries, processed foods, fatty foods, meat, flour, sugar, alcohol and animal fats in general. tomatoes, olive oil, vegetables, nuts, fish and fruits are recommended

Pain Relief

Pain relievers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol in doses Regulars help control the pain caused by cramps –

can start taking the medication a day before your period starts so that it works faster and more efficiently.

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