I've never been so frightened


Zahara managed to escape with the door wide open and said it was the scariest incident she had ever known.

"I've never been so frightened in my life, I was wondering why this would happen, I'm the type of person who, if she has two slices of bread, why can not I share? I do not know if I can do it (give it back so freely). "[19659002LamusicianwastakentothehospitalforherinjuriesandimmediatelyaftertheorganizersofahearingintheUnitedKingdomalonecouldnotattendthemeeting

" At least that was not my hand where I was playing. I am grateful for that, so I wait for my arm to heal properly … Mandela's concert has been postponed and I look forward to going there to celebrate Tata when my arm will heal. "[19659002] Assault case at the Honeydew Police Station on Tuesday. SAPS spokesman Lt. Col. Lungelo Dlamini confirmed to TshisaLIVE that the case was under investigation

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