JEND BRENDA: I have a girlfriend, but I fall for a church companion


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I normally attend mbad every morning before going to work. There is this lady who sits normally next to me. She is young (possibly in her early twenties), beautiful, always well dressed and I guess she has a good job.

Previously, I attended Mbad only for my spiritual well-being because I am Catholic. ] But I started to develop feelings for this lady, and nowadays I go to church hoping to see her. If she does not show up, I feel really bad.

I do not know her name and she does not know mine either because we have never spoken at length, except for the usual greetings and work conversations.

I caught her looking at me a few times, but I almost brushed the idea that she felt the same thing as mere fantasies in my head.

However, Friday after Mbad, she invited me to attend Mbad at her church on Sunday. I do not want the church to be the cause of my sins because I already have a girlfriend. What should I do?

You are absolutely right, the church should not be the place of your sins, but the place where you learn to do better.

Of course, the temptations will not stop at the door of the church, but now that you know that you have feelings for this woman and that you know that you have a girlfriend, every action from here will redeem you, or you will damn.

Have you tried to sit in another bench, perhaps? Or come to the mbades after work instead of before? And your feelings surely have no basis on which to support it.

If you've never had a deep conversation about how work works and how you are, then it's clearly a craze that will disappear quickly, hopefully. Expect it or move your benches.

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