JEND BRENDA: My boyfriend controls. Help me!


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I'm 25 years old and I'm dating a 45 year old man for nine months. He is not married and he takes care of me. He also takes care of my sister while I live with her.

Recently, he started paying rent for my house and shopping for us. He treats me well and is also good for my friends.

My problem is that he does not want me to have male friends, and he also does not want me to spend time with my friends without him.

He wants me to be with him all the time, except on weekends when I go to the village.

I have the impression that he controls me, as he owns me, and I do not know how to deal with the situation. He wants to marry me in the future, but I do not know … advise me to kindly tell me.

This man is trying to be your father, that is to say your literal and very real father. It's time to flee. If you've only been out for nine months, then you still have time to run.

You are young and you can still build a career without a man telling you not to have male friends in 2018 as if it was 1264 What nonsense is this? He wants to come talk to your girlfriends? How are you going to talk about him then? Would he like you to discuss his game in bed while he is present? Nonsense.

You go out with a control freak that wants to be around you all the time, not love, but because he wants to control you and does it with his money.

You should not marry this guy unless you still love being a kid.

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