Jimmy Kimmel does a simple test so many Americans have failed


Actor and TV host Jimmy Kimmel decided to do a simple test in the streets of America, in honor of President Trump's visits abroad, but the results will shock you really.

Donald Trump visits Belgium, England, Scotland then his friend Putin in Russia, "said Jimmy during his talk show.

" It is imperative that America maintains relations solid with other nations, and this responsibility extends to all of us.

Kimmel had a simple test Photo: Youtube / abc

The idea was simple – look at a map of the world and name any country.

Literally In any country, anywhere in the world, however, the majority of participants could not be right.

Some were able to show Africa or Asia, but they forgot to remember that these are actually continents and not countries.

A man thought then that South Africa was west of Africa, while & ## 39, another complained "who knows this stuff?"

Although they learned the world at school,

This woman could not name a single country, not even Photo: Youtube / abc

Fortunately, a young boy got up at the end and gave enough answers for each of them.

The video has since almost 5 million views on Youtube

"It's actually alarming," was a comment.

"I literally watched all this video with my jaw dropped, I can not believe these people could not even name one country, not even theirs," said another shocked person

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