John Obi Mikel kidknapp: Midfielder thanks authorities after rescue of father in "rifle duel" with kidnappers


Nigerian midfielder John Obi Mikel thanked the police for rescuing his father after his abduction by kidnappers.

Mikel announced that his father, Michael Obi and his driver had been kidnapped before the Nigeria match against Argentina, the kidnappers demanding a ransom of 10 million pounds for his release.

However, Enugu police confirmed that they had managed to rescue Michael Obi and the pilot, and midfielder Tianjin TEDA Mikel took on social media to publicly thank them for their efforts .


"I want to thank the police authorities involved in the safe return of my father after the" the former Chelsea midfielder said on Twitter .

"I would also like to thank everyone for their kind words of support He is now recovering with my family My family and I are grateful."
– Mikel John Obi (@mikel_john_obi) July 3, 2018

In addition to confirming the rescue, the police also clarified the details of the abduction and that a fight had occurred between the authorities and the kidnappers.

"We learn that Pa Michael Obi and his driver were abducted along the Makurdi-Enugu road from Jos in his gray Toyota Prado jeep bearing the registration number MUS 604 CG and taken to a unknown destination "It was further concluded that the kidnappers began to call for a N10m ransom before the police officers acted on the intelligence information and fused it on them."

"In the process of rescue, a firearm. The duel ensued between the police and the kidnappers, forcing the thugs to abandon their victims in the forest and they were quickly saved. "

Obi also proved" hale and cordial "by the authorities after being medically checked after his ordeal

 John Obi Mikel's World Cup in Nigeria

The Kidnapping had taken place before the last live group match of Nigeria against Argentina, as the Super Eagles lost 2-1 to

Mikel had been informed of ransom demands by the kidnappers just before the fight, but he told ESPN that he had kept the information for him, not wishing to endanger his father, or to drop his country.

"I was confused. I did not know what to do, but in the end, I knew I could not drop 180 million Nigerians, "Mikel told ESPN .

"I had to close my head and leave and represent my country first. It was said that they would shoot my father instantly if I reported to authorities or informed anyone.

"And I did not want to discuss it with the coach because I did not want my problem to be a distraction for the coach or the rest of the team on the day. such an important match, although I wanted to discuss it with the coach, I could not do it.

Mikel has represented his country at the last two World Cups has won 85 caps in total, scoring six goals.

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