Kenya dominates Uganda on the first day of the 2018 Victoria Cup


Mike Kisia follows his 1st tee tee at the Victoria Cup Golf Tournament, which is taking place today at VetLab Sports Club on Saturday
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<p><strong>  The first day of the third edition of the Victoria Cup is over Thursday on the 18-hole Vet Lab Sports Club in Nairobi. </strong></p>
<p>  Kenya has swept the quartets in the morning 4-0 The morning session </p>
<p>  Daniel Nduva and Agil IS Haq, based in Nyali, won 3/1 against Adolf Muhumuza and David Kamulindwa while Dennis Saikwa and Mike Kisiathe defeated Becca Mwanja and Rodel Gaita 6 / 5, Paul Muchangi and John Karichu's Limuru duo defeated Joseph Cwanyaai and Herman Mutebi 5/4 Edwin Mudanyi and Muthaiga Mutahi Kibugu's duo defeated Richard Baguma and Ronald Rugumayo 4/3 </p>
<p>  Kenya followed that by a full shot of the four Nduva and Zubair Khan were pus hed at 17 <sup> th </sup> hole to get a 2/1 victory over Martin Ochaya and Abraham Ainemani. Saikwa and Kisia had a 3/2 win over Muhumuza and Kamulindwa. </p>
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Karichu and Muchangi defeated Baguma and Rugumayo 3/2. Mudanyi and Kibugu won the most consecutive wins against Cwinyaai and Mutebi (6: 5).

Kenyan team leader Ali Kimani was impressed by the performance of his team despite his difficulties on the greens. "I have seen some interesting performances from Nduva, Mudanyi, Kisia and Saikwa, most of them were pretty solid, I did not expect that, but it happened. "said Kimani.

"The greens are very penalizing in terms of speed and bowling positions, they are quite difficult for us and most of the team members do not play here (Vet Lab) so they are struggling a little little, "added Kimani

On Friday, teams will play Foursomes in the morning session and A four-ball ball in the afternoon

This is the third edition of the Vitoria Cup and Kenya won the inaugural title at the Muthaiga Golf Club in 2015 and retained the crown at the Entebbe Golf Club in 2016.

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