LIZZIE & # 39; S WORLD: The first of several days


»by this author

" You do not want a supportive man who will take care of children while you go out and bring bacon home? Chris asks me. I turn around incredulously and ask him if he intends to be unemployed and unoccupied for the rest of his life.

"You give the impression that I do not have money," he snaps. "For your information, I have enough investments to take us through the tough times."

"This is not about it," I sigh. "Chris, I need you to be constructively engaged otherwise,"

"If not, what will you leave me with? Then maybe we should call her now." We arrived home and we are now parked in the parking lot. Chris shows no sign of getting out of the car to go out with me. I sit awkwardly for a few seconds.

"Well, all I'm saying, is thinking of what I just said. Good night, I say, then I open the door of the car and leave, choking on the ball in my throat and trying to pull away the tears. Once I lock my front door and close the world, I allow myself a long sigh, painful and deep; however, I must admit that I still have to work with Chris – and this time, even closer than I've done before – and that means I have to bring my best professional A game rather than the injured little girl that I feel now. And so I take a deep breath and squeeze my jaw; I will be an adult tomorrow, and Chris will not even recognize the 'me' with which he will work.

While I am planning a sleepless night, I go to sleep very quickly and wake up in time to complete my morning ablutions. with ease. I chose an anthracite gray pants, my first day of training at the MD, and I put an 'armor face' on it. – which means that my face is so perfect that I even take some selfies to remind myself that once I stopped at the nearby cafe to fetch a cappuccino, then I entered the office relaxed, easy, the coffee in one hand and the laptop bag in the other. As the boss that I am.

"Hello," Ciru said, entering my office. She gets up from her desk and follows me as I walk in mine, and I'm getting ready for more of her daily idiocies. But today, she is professional. "Chris says he'll be there in half an hour to start your day, and congratulations, for that, for your date." I agree.

"Also," continues. she, "Louise is coming back from her maternity leave next week. I do not know where you would like me to be deployed after that but … I would love to continue in my position – even though I know you and her are very close. "Then she looks at her toes timidly, we both know how much she tried to sabotage me in the past and with Bertha on the scene, I trust her even less, but it's my chance to play the role of Benevolent leader, and that's what I do.

"I've noticed your preference," I said. "I'll consider it when the time comes. In the meantime, why do not you let me know how soon Chris arrives so we can work? "

" Yes, of course, "she smiles … only I know how much evil is hiding behind that smile.As soon as she's out of reach, I call Louise.

"How are you?" I ask her, "Oh, I'm much better now," she says. "The depression has really increased since Jo put me in touch with her therapist. And I feel ready to go back to work next week. I note the optimistic tone of his voice.

"Well, there are new developments," I tell him. Then I tell him, briefly, that Chris has resigned and that I have taken office on an acting basis.

"Do you think that means you will get the job permanently?" She asks.

I laugh. "Well, I guess that means I'll be in the best position to do it, that this really is another question altogether." And then I ask him how is Steve. "Well … I want say … Maybe we should have a coffee this week and talk about it, "she says. It looks like there is perhaps drama in paradise – and we all know how much I live for drama!

"Done," I tell him. And then I hang up and wait until Chris arrives to see how the rest of the day will go.

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