Local pharmacies withdraw drug after Valsartan booster


Valsartan is a medication used to control blood pressure and prevent heart failure. But now the pills have been recalled by the US Food and Drug Administration because of a possible cancer risk.

"During manufacture, there was a trace of an impurity that is a carcinogen." Patricia Signor, owner and pharmacist supervisor of Bolton's pharmacy in Watertown

Signor says that when the recall happened, she immediately removed her inventory from the shelves and called the patients who have prescriptions for the drug.

The recall only affects Valsartan that came from a particular manufacturer in China.This manufacturer has used several distributors, including Solco , Major and Teva If your bottle has these names on the label, stop taking them.

If you go into your medicine cabinet and find that your prescription is affected by the recall, you can bring back your medications in the pharmacy where you received them.

"They could change drugs, otherwise we had to find another manufacturer, but fortunately there are other manufacturers of this medicine, so we could find others elsewhere, "said the pharmacist. Signor

Again, the recall only concerns Valsartan from a manufacturer. Look for Solco, Major or Teva distributors or check with your pharmacist if your medicine has been affected.

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