Lulu Hassan and Rashid Abdalla become the first anchor partners of Kenya's new wife at Citizen TV


Lulu Hbadan and her husband Rashid Abdalla will become the first couple in the country to anchor together.

The two will debut on Citizen TV's 19h Swahili news, Nipashe Wikendi Sunday after the departure of Lulu Kanze Dena, a long-term anchor partner

Dena left Citizen TV after being Deputy State House spokeswoman Uhuru Kenyatta last month. She has been appointed interim spokesperson for the House of Representatives and head of the Presidential Service Communication Unit (PSCU).

Rashid Abdalla introduced Swahili news to NTV and was hired by Citizen TV earlier this month to replace Dena. "From this Sunday, the first team anchors new husband and wife," said Citizen TV in a tweet

Reacting to the news, Hilda Njeru said: "I look forward to Nipashe Wikendi on Citizen TV. " [19659002] @ ecilanj commented: Pow wow to the power couple.The two kind and humble.Do you like both.Good God bless. "

@Shibwec noted: thanks for making news a soap opera, you can as well call it" MUJER DE LULU DEL SENIOR ABDALLA. Alafu bi mswafara will be there over the weekend to offer them marriage counseling, that's the real deal. "

@Jasonwinner said: Congratulations my fellow couples..but now face to face in the office, on the TV screen and finally to the bedroom … will this not lead to boredom? Think about this by thinking of the mercury contained in your sugar. "

@SirAlexas said," Sasa wakikosana nyumbani itakua aje? "Natumai siku yako imekua njema, sio kama yangu watu wengine waliona waiharibu, karibu kwa nipashe kabla niende kupasha mtu baadae. "

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