Murang Hospital staff faced charges of stealing HIV kits


Police are investigating eight people suspected of stealing $ 5 million HIV test kits from the Murang Township Reference Hospital.

The suspects, including two students from the Kenya Medical Training Center, recorded statements to the Murang police '

Students were interns at the institution. Two casual employees and four employees would have had access to the store where they were.

On Saturday, health official James Gitau said the county had discovered that the kits were missing after the Kirinyaga government asked for help. Delivery of supplies to Kirinyaga had been delayed and he urgently needed similar kits, he said.

Gitau stated that only one carton of kits had been found, but no document explained the disappearance of others.

DCIO Japheth Maingi stated that they would be indicted in court once the investigations were completed.

Gitau said the robbery could have been orchestrated by a cartel accused of a mbadive drug loss to the hospital. Patients complained that they were referred to private pharmacies, although the medications they needed were available.

Gitau stated that doctors receive commissions from private pharmacies for referring patients to them. He said the cartel has also frustrated plans by the county to offer free medications to patients with chronic conditions.

"They would send people to get expensive drugs from pharmacies for free, then sell them to private pharmacies or in their private clinics," says Gitau,

Patients with chronic diseases were given the order to go for drugs directly to the hospital

A month ago, a clinical agent was banned after confessing to have voluntarily prescribed asthma medications, a nasal infection and referring to a specific pharmacy.

Gitau sent a note to all physicians, asking them to include their full names on the forms when they prescribe medication to patients referred to private pharmacies. This followed a public outcry.

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