N6 mourns the late trainee Pelumi who committed suicide – Movies



Cool FM OAP, N6, took on Twitter to mourn his former intern, Oluwapelumi Orungbe, who recently committed suicide.

Fire Pelumi, who was also a photographer and has just completed a compulsory National Youth Corps Corps, committed suicide on July 26 in Magodo, Lagos.

According to N6, who described the late Pelumi as "lively, young and somewhat reserved," he had a conversation with her on Saturday, July 21, 2018, during which he gave her advice on how to become a broadcaster.

He added that he had even entrusted her with a mission, which she was to present on Saturday, July 28th.

In his series of tweets, N6 encouraged anyone who was depressed to talk to someone and ask for help. 19659007] Another friend of Pelumi took on Facebook to mourn her

Some enigmatic tweets of Pelumi before her death

19659004] Pelumi was a 2017 Lagos University graduate in mbad communication. That his soul rests in peace.

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