New Ebola virus found in bats in Sierra Leone


  New Ebola virus found in Sierra Leone

New Ebola virus found in Sierra Leone

It is not known if the new strain can develop in the deadly disease of Ebola, if it is transmitted to the # 39; man.

Health has confirmed that a new strain of Ebola virus, known as Bombali virus (BOMV), has been found in bats in the Bombali district of Sierra Leone.

According to Communications and Health Security Officer Harold Thomas, studies are underway to understand if the virus can cause the disease, noting that the Government of Sierra Leone and global partners like UC Davis and Columbia University engage local communities to pbad on what is known about the new virus and how to live safely with bats.

Based on laboratory experiments, researchers report that the virus has the potential to enter human cells but it is unclear whether it has the potential to infect L & # 39; study is part of the Predict Ebola Host Research project in West Africa which brings together scientists from the University of California Davis and the University of Columbia in the United States and their counterparts in Sierra Leone, in Guinea. and Liberia to improve understanding and preparation for future epidemics in the region.

The worst Ebola outbreak began in December 2013 in southern Guinea before spreading to two neighboring countries in West Africa, Liberia and Sierra Leone. Leone. According to estimates of the World Health Organization, more than 11,300 people were killed out of nearly 29,000 registered cases

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The Predict Research is created to monitor wildlife specimens for known pathogens in the wake of the epidemic in West Africa

The Sierra Leonean government says that it is not possible to […] it will engage local communities and launch public education campaigns to raise awareness of the new strain.

The outbreak in West Africa was caused by the Zaire species, which has always been the deadliest in humans since its identification in 1976.

The discovery of the Sierra Leone brings to six

Of the five known Ebola species, three have triggered epidemics in Africa: Zaire, Bundibugyo and Sudan

The Sierra Leonean government has called for calm in the face of concerns that the discovery could cause panic.

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