Please be the father of my unborn child – DJ Pierra tells it all


DJ Pierrra [Photo: Courtesy]

DJ Pierra Makena revealed what she went through in 2016 during her last trimester of pregnancy.

's mother, revealed on Instagram that one day before the birth of her daughter, she was going through the most difficult period of her life.

"One day before, I gave birth to my little princess … I was going through the hardest of my life, yet I went through with a smile. did not know where to start What my child will eat Where I'm going to take it I did not have enough resources, " She published

Knowing the financial responsibilities that come with a baby [19459016newborn the Queen of Bridges was a worried mother with the idea of ​​having exhausted her Fortunately, her family was the best support system

"I n & # 39; I had no work and my savings were exhausted … my family and my very close friends were of great support if not I added the DJ

Baby Daddy

When the news announced that she was pregnant, everyone wanted to know the father of her child.In an interview with a local press, she revealed that the pregnancy belonged to her boyfriend only identified as Shawn that she had then dated for 4 years.

It turns out that a few days before his delivery, DJ Pierra was all alone

"I've always imagined giving birth and having my child's father to be born holding my hand and helping him even though it's with a diaper … but I was alone … with many questions and fear … Honestly, j & # 39; 39, was a little below the bottom. "

" I cried so much to God and prayed so many different prayers coz i I did not know what which would be good for me … I remember looking up and saying to God if you like it .If you please, be the father of my unborn child … I never want to be like that again … "

Dealing with the situation

From here, Dj Pierra had found a way to stay healthy and healthy for her child to be born.

"I remember sitting in my car and I played and replayed MWEMA by @ mercymasikamuguro … in my car in the house I just replay the song as 100 Once … the next day, I went to The Hub …. just to walk around and yes all the time be my sister my mother my brothers or my friend would be around that, they knew that I needed of support, even though I did not ask … "



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