Poliomyelitis vaccination campaign begins in 12 high-risk counties – KENYA NEWS AGENCY


CAS Health Minister Dr. Rashid Aman and Kajiado Governor Joseph Lenku at the Launch of the National Polio Vaccination Campaign in Kenya's 12 High-Risk Counties, Wednesday, July 11, 2018 Photo by KNA
The Kajiado Governor Joseph Lenku administers the polio vaccine to a child in Kajiado City at the launch of the polio vaccination campaign in Kenya's 12 high-risk counties. Dr. Rashid Aman of the Ministry of Health administers the polio vaccine to a child in Kajiado City at the launch of the polio vaccination campaign in Kenya's 12 high-risk counties on July 11, 2018. Photo by KNA

The Ministry of Health has launched the National Polio Vaccination Campaign, which will be held in 12 high-risk counties over the next five days, targeting 2.4 million children under the age of five. years.

The campaign launched in Kajiado on Wednesday is part of the government's strategy to increase surveillance and ensure the complete eradication of the disease in Kenya by December 2018.

At launch, the Chief Administrative Secretary of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Rashid Aman, noted that is a highly infectious viral disease that does not cure and affects children under five years of age

. Aman revealed that the polio virus could only be prevented by vaccination and that health officials were moving door to door, schools, churches and public places to make sure every child under five years receives the vaccine

detected by the Kamukunji sewerage network in Nairobi and the neighboring country of Somalia endangering millions of children in Kenya.

"The polio campaign was made necessary by the detection of poliovirus in the Kamukunji sewerage network in Nairobi. The outbreak of the disease in Somalia exposes our children to a high risk of infection. We are conducting this vaccination campaign to eradicate poliomyelitis completely in Kenya by December 2018 and worldwide, "said Aman

The CAS underscored the government's commitment to providing universal health care to all Kenyans

"Primary health care is very important and we need to strengthen it by focusing on preventive medicine."

Kajiado Governor Joseph Lenku Calls on all residents to ensure that their children are under the age of 5. "I want to call all parents, guardians and residents to ensure that all children under five are vaccinated against polio, who will take place from 11 to 15 July. July, "said the governor.

Poliomyelitis is a disabling and potentially life-threatening infectious disease that only affects humans.

It is highly contagious and spreads from one person to another. Other. N contact by food or water contaminated by the feces of an infected person.

The virus lives in the throat and intestines of an infected person and gets into the body through the mouth and spreads by contact with the feces of an infected person.The symptoms of polio include nausea, fever, fatigue, stomach pain, sore throat, head, vomiting, stiffness in the neck and back In some cases, the disease causes paralysis, which is often permanent

An infected person can transmit the virus to others immediately before and about 1 to 2 weeks after the onset of symptoms [19659004] The most risky countries are: Nairobi, Kajiado, Machakos, Kiambu, Garissa, Wajir, Mandera, Isiolo, Meru, Lamu, Kitui and Tana River

The campaign will run from 11 July to 15 July this year.

By Rop Janet

CAS healthDr. Rashid AmanJoseph LenkuKajiado GovernorNational Vaccination Campaign against Poliomyelitis

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